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Monday, March 7, 2011

Imaginary Interface Could Replace Screens and Keyboard

Can you imagine our imagination can replace screens and keyboard? Sounds like ridiculous right? But when I'm trying to search a new technology for today, the title "Imaginary Interface" attract me to get closer with this topic. Here, I'll give you some summary about the "Imaginary Interface".

A user draws an imaginary line in the operating plane of the Imaginary Interfaces device.

The 'Imaginary' Interface device combines a camera and comp
uter to see and then interpret gestures. Researchers are experimenting with a new interface system for mobile device that could replace the screen and even the keyboard and gestures supported by our visual memory.

To operate Imaginary Interfaces, people use two basic commands. Making an 'L' shape with one's non-dominant hand (typically the left) 'opens up' a two-dimensional plane where the finger tracing interaction will take place; the L acts as the lower left corner of the plane in this example.

Users can 'pinch' with the dominant hand to select a point in space on this plane that can serve a function. As an easy frame of reference, a grid can be visualized based on the lengths of the finger and thumb in the L gesture as a 'Y' and 'X' coordinate, respectively. Pinching at approximately 3, 2 – or three finger-lengths up and two thumb-lengths over – could press a virtual button.

The Imaginary Interfaces device

With 'Imaginary' Interfaces, however, there is nothing to see, short term visual memory instead serves as the reference, like mimes, people can mentally record and 'touch' these make-believe elements.

Now, the innovation technology becoming faster and sometimes people cannot catch the technology products because of the fastest changing. But with the imagination, all people seems like they are in updated.

See you next time!


Credit to: Hasso Plattner Institute

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